Recruitment and selection
Our recruitment and selection services are provided on a consultancy basis.
Making the right hire and promotion decisions
Ensuring the recruitment process supports the organisational direction and talent needs, along with hiring the right person for culture and job fit, is critical to an organisation’s success. A poor hiring decision is costly, and its negative effects can ripple through an organisation. Further, the recruitment process is an individual’s first interaction with their new employer. It is important that this is a positive one. A poor process can damage an organisation’s employer brand. This, too, can be costly in a tight talent market.
We work with clients to identify and understand the strategic needs of the business unit/organisation, the specific competencies and attributes in relation to job and culture fit, and to design a due diligence process. This ensures a seamless process from initial advertising through to induction. We work with our clients to:
- Identify the role parameters, responsibilities and objectives, and as a consequence frame the role correctly. This in turn informs the job description and the advertisement, and accurately reflects the role responsibilities and criteria to attract the most suitable people
- Identify skills, competencies and attributes critical to the success in the role
- Match appropriate assessment tools to measure ability and fit. These may include personality, critical reasoning ability and/or assessment centre simulations
- Identify key interview questions to ascertain skill, fit and attitude suitability. Ensure questions cover all competencies and seek to uncover the motivation of interviewees and their fit to the role, the team and the organisation
- Consider and identify the factors that influence final choice where there are two equal candidates
For further information please contact us by email or phone Cynthia on 0274 865 065.