Facilitation of small and medium sized groups
Our group facilitation services are provided on a consultancy basis.
Organisations seek external facilitators for a range of different types of sessions/forums. The primary motivation for this is that they want:
- All team members/attendees including the leader to contribute
- An independent/impartial facilitator
The purposes of the sessions we facilitate for our clients are many and varied. The sessions can involve an entire business, or they can be for specific internal business units. One of the common benefits across virtually all of the sessions we facilitate is our independence and ability to keep the group focused on the objective of the meeting. Our involvement enables the group to identify and evaluate ideas, discuss (sometimes controversial) sensitive issues and to reach specific outcomes.
The sessions include:
- Strategic planning
- Focus groups
- Project groups
- Issue identification and resolution
- Introduction of new initiatives
- Action planning
For further information or an appointment please contact us by email or phone Cynthia on 0274 865 065.